Get Channeled Guidance By Taking Your Seat at the Round Table With the Archangels and Ascended Masters and Learn From Their Timeless Wisdom

Schedule Your Personal Channeling Sign Up Here for a Fifty-Five Minute Personal Channeling with Clear Channel Vince Kramer and the Energies Known as "The Round Table."

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Learn more about channeling and the messages available from "The Round Table" bringing love, hope and expansion.

Personal and Group Channelings

Our live channelings for groups, large and small, consist of an educational presentation by "The Round Table," a group of supportive and familiar energies such as the archangels, ascended masters and your guides. Their goal is to assist you in finding your way, understand why you chose to come to earth, and the meaning in all of it. After the educational presentation, there are opportunities for members of the audience to ask questions and receive guidance on their individual situation and circumstances. For small intimate groups, usually each person gets to ask a question. In larger groups, The Round Table selects members of the audience to ask their questions and address their concerns in a lasered one-on-one conversation.  Personal channelings are available and the messages from "The Round Table" are available in audio recordings.

Your invitation from Vince...

Hello and welcome,

My name is Vince Kramer – co-founder of Imagine Miracles and a Clear Channel of an energy known as The Round Table. If you’re interested in finding meaning in what is happening and has happened in your life, ready to find the real you and your why, ready to live the life you are meant to live, or you know you are meant to make a difference but don’t know how… I’d like to assure you: You are in the right place.

The foundation of Imagine Miracles is helping you find and empower yourself so you can live a purposeful life with passion.

Finding this in myself and founding Imagine Miracles has been a Journey that started before I was born. I believe we choose our mission, our Divine Intent, and the path to prepare and allow us to live it.

When I was 5 years old I knew I wanted to be a pilot and I wanted humanity to love each other. An interesting combination I know, but I had and still have a strong calling towards both. I know there is something calling you.

I believe we are always on our Purpose …

We are always developing our talents and gifts …

When we need a nudge or push or even a drastic shove, we receive wake up calls …

And we ultimately find our Divine Intent, our mission…

It wasn’t until nearing my 50th Birthday when I received a wake up call when my wife of 21 years asked for a divorce. I had no idea it was coming, I was devastated. I had to dig deep to find myself, wake up to my talents and gifts and get on a straighter path to my Purpose.

During the same time I attracted a priceless gift in my life, Mary who eventually became my wife and business partner. She opened my mind to many of the spiritual concepts that shape our work today. The heart opening of the wake up and the mind opening from my conversations with Mary caused me to embark on a journey of self-discovery leaving no stone unturned.   Since that time, I’ve read hundreds of books, attended seminars and workshops and have been mentored by some of the most influential people in the science and spirituality world.

But it was the combination of an intensive I attended and a channeling Mary and I had that changed my life, opened my heart, and blew open my mind!

In that channeling, the I AM energies expressed with me personal things I had never shared with anyone causing me to take serious notice, and ignited within me dormant energies of an opening that helped me believe and find the straighter path to my Purpose and Mission.

Group Channeling for Your Group or at Your Next Event!

Fill-in all the information below and we will contact you within the next two business days to determine your needs and how to best meet them with a channeling with Vince and The Round Table. We will also follow up the email if we haven't heard from you within a few days.


Visit Us Our You Tube Channel To Hear More Recordings of The Round Table Through Vince!

Go To The Imagine Miracles Facebook Page

Along my journey since turning 50, I continued to learn, grow and open my heart in many ways to include receiving channelings from many gifted channels. At the same time, I began to receive my own messages in my sleep at first and then while I was awake. These messages got stronger and I discovered I also was able to open myself enough to realize my own Gift of channeling. Channeling is, by definition the communication with or receiving information from any consciousness that is not in human form by allowing that consciousness to express itself through the channel.

It occurred very naturally and with Mary’s support. Channeling is becoming the cornerstone of Imagine Miracles, both in materials and now in sharing this Gift with our audiences and clients.

I channel The Round Table which is a loving combination of all the I AM energies. They shared that their name was a reminder that we are all equal as we sit at the table; angels, masters and humans alike. When I channel for individual or groups, The Round Table consists of the guides and the energies that support each member in that group. Each channeling reminds us of knowledge to which we all have access. We just forgot we knew it and how to access it. I know that you and everyone else on this planet has the ability to channel, but until you are ready to tap into that gift, The Round Table through me is here to share life-transforming, heart-opening information with you.

The Message, of any channeling I’ve ever received and particularly from The Round Table, is about the Miracle of Us … the Miracle Of You. I believe, NO, I know that each and every person on this planet is a miracle and it is your birthright to live that life. It is in discovering, creating and living your Miracle Life that you will find and empower the true you. It would bring me great joy to help you discover the "true you" by sharing a Round Table channeling with you or your group, and supporting you through the powerful programs and workshops available to you through Imagine Miracles.

It took me 50 years to find the true me and 8 years to open myself to my genius and my mission. I don’t want it to take you 8 years of your life. I swiftly speed up that process for you.  I’ve put all I’ve learned and created in one place to assist you on the journey that you have chosen. With the help and guidance of The Round Table and Imagine Miracles, you can Discover, Create and Live Your Miracle Life in happiness, health and abundance on purpose and with passion!

I’m honored to have you here and to be considered to mentor your awakening heart,
