Your Next Big Expression - Keynote VIP Package

So you have a big gig coming up. Congratulations! You've worked hard on the message, written it, perhaps even rehearsed it, and of course, because you're a physical being, you're also thinking, 'what am I gonna wear?' Guess what? This is not a vain question! you are not shallow for asking it! After all that work on your message, you do not want to miss the boat by wearing entirely the wrong thing and your message and leadership and powerful moment falls completely flat. Believe me this happens. It's sad. We don't want this for you.

Instead, I invite you to partake in this Full Expression VIP package where the goals are:

  • to review your big message and the purpose of your work
  • tune into how these important elements can be expressed in your wardrobe, your look, what style shoes you wear, because this is how you will show how grounded you are and convey your trustworthiness (at least one way you convey how trustworthy you are - you don't want to speak one thing and SHOW another right? don't wear stilettos unless that's part of the message and the purpose of your talk.)

We will review your comfort level with your external expression, link it directly with what messages it portrays. We will seek to up-level your connection with your clothing, including colors, shapes, impact, make sure you feel FULLY in your power so you can then forget about those things and be present in the delivery of your talk.

Once we have chose an outfit and one to spare, if you would like, we will return to your message and more deeply understand how this complete package of is linked. You would not give a powerful keynote in a garbage bag. And once you are in your perfect outfit, your message will become even stronger.

Of course, if you enjoy this process and would like to allow it to infuse all of your work, ie. your purpose gets expressed in all of how you show up physically in the world, you will have the option to do further work beyond this important keynote. This is the invitation to be fully congruent, completely aligned, and a whole leader for your big moment.

You are cordially invited to a gathering of women leaders who are excited about living life on purpose AND expressing this purpose through the way that you look, yes I mean your wardrobe, your glasses, your hair, even down to how your office or home feels, how your brand conveys your essence... and much more!

We will be gathering in an intimate homey venue where we will discover:

  • how to link your purpose with your external expression
  • what the different external expressions hold as far as expanding your personal power
  • how your leadership may be being constrained or held back because you have not been fully expressed personally (again, style, color, accent)
  • we will also dive deep into expanding your sense of purpose now that you have tasted how it feels to be congruent in your external expression
  • we get to circle back and breathe even more life force energy into your path - how has our time together informed or refined your purpose? do you see your life more clearly now? what does this mean for how you will harness your power and plug that into the actions you will take?

You will leave this day of deep exploration with a greater capacity to power up all of your most important projects, whether they are your next live event, your next business offering, your next career move, your next relationship up-level romantically, your next non profit meeting. If whatever is on your list of to dos, you want to do more powerfully, more influentially and in the highest, iteration of YOU, we can work on together!





Your leaders will be Mary Kramer who is a XXXXinsert credentials hereXXXX, and will guide and teach the process of understanding how to put together your external expression NOT as a stylist would, but as someone who is dressing your inner self and letting the world see it and understand it. She will also guide you in this small group format as to how to see this for yourself and stop holding yourself back from expressing yourself small. Your essence internally is waiting for you to wield it with power and grace, this is Mary's genius zone.

Joining her will be Vince Kramer who is XXXinsert credentials hereXXX who together with Mary will connect the external processes above with the inner processes of tapping into the full miracle of your life, through your work, relationships and more.

Seats are limited, as this is an intimate and deep work. All work is confidential, personal, customized and tailored to you.

Early bird registration by X date means a saving of X dollars. The first 10 people to sign up will also receive a Insert bonus (channelling, could be conversation with Mary, could one of your course)...