ImagineNation Miracles MEMBER Membership Level

What is the MEMBER Level Membership?

When you become a MEMBER, you'll have an opportunity to meet The Round Table live and participate in Q&A sessions with Vince. You get a monthly channeling with The Round Table. Think of any question you desperately want answered and ask Vince directly after he channels the message from The Round Table.

This membership level will give you access to all the inspirational and transformational products that are available in the BASIC Membership Level. Your membership includes:

  • Live Channelings and Q&A: meet The Round Table live and have an opportunity to ask questions of Vince and receive answers that will give you a tremendous understanding about the universe and you in it.
  • Your Unique Purpose Formula: 5 easy to follow steps to help you discover who you really are, and what's your mission.
  • Miracle Life Blueprint: 6 simple steps to structure your life and surroundings to support your success and happiness.
  • Channeling Transcripts: take a look into what the experience of a channeling is like, and how one can guide you along a beautiful and fulfilling path.
  • Miracle Minutes: inspirational videos to keep you motivated throughout the day.
  • Free Chapter from a Bestseller: an insightful chapter from Mastering the Art of Success.
  • Bonus Content: extra personal growth resources you can use at any time.


Becoming a MEMBER in the ImagineNation is only $25 per month and includes meeting your guides live. You can save with a yearly membership of only $250/year.

Are you ready to become a MEMBER?

Yes, I'm Ready!

Bonus Imagine Miracles Products

Every layer of membership at The Round Table includes inspirational and transformational products for free. (Normally $1000+)

Some of the products included are:

  • Miracle Minute Videos, which are minute long inspirational videos to help you get through your day.
  • Select Channeling Transcripts, to give you a firsthand look at how a live spiritual channeling positively impacts people's lives.
  • Your Unique Purpose Formula is meant to bring meaning, passion, and purpose in people's lives.
  • And as you continue reading, you'll learn more about extra Imagine Miracles goodies!

On-the-go Inspiration

Motivational and inspirational content is available to you at any time, and anywhere. Access transformational content on your device at any time with your membership in the ImagineNation.

Access to Channeling services

Everyone deserves abundance, including spiritual wealth. Clear yourself of abundance blocks with honest, yet loving guides who want to help you live a miracle life. You get transcripts of some of the most informational and transformational channelings by The Round Table.

Access to Educational Webinars

Do more with your personal growth journey by interacting in a Masterclass. Learn what your purpose is, or how to guide your mission to the next level. Leave each Masterclass with the feeling that you're living your divine intent.


A journey of personal development includes being in a state of mind where you are constantly learning. A membership in the ImagineNation will provide an abundance of education to help you grow, but also give you access to other Imagine Miracles’ programs and events.

Become a Member Now!

What is the ImagineNation Community About?

What is The ImagineNation?

The ImagineNation by Imagine Miracles is a portal into discovering your higher self. This is a sacred place for self-improvement, finding and living your purpose, and spreading positive vibes and energy.

A membership in the ImagineNation will grant you access to 24/7 inspiration and motivation, eye-opening spiritual conversations, in-depth personal development products, and exclusive Imagine Miracles discounts.

Who sits at The Round Table?

A big part of the ImagineNation is access to the Round Table. The Round Table is a group of Archangels and Ascended Masters and are channeled through clear conscious channel, Vince Kramer. Anyone who wants to raise their vibrational energy and awaken themselves to a higher level of consciousness is welcome at The Round Table. High-vibrational beings share knowledge intended to assist you on the journey towards the life you are meant to live and to help you find the straightest path.

How can The Round Table help you?

Everyone has a calling that pulls them to their divine intent. In the Imagine Miracles Discover Your Miracle Life course, you will discover your true mission and purpose and The Round Table helps you. Their discussions are meant to guide you into a fulfilling life of happiness and positive energy.

Join the ImagineNation

What is Channeling The Round Table?

Meet and speak with intelligent, kind and loving guides to experience real breakthroughs in who you are and why you're on this planet. The Round Table is here to help you make sense of why things are the way they are in your life. Using what you learn, the programs we offer through Imagine Miracles will help you change or improve them.

What is channeling The Round Table?

A channeling is a spiritual connection with high-vibrational entities. Channeling is basically a phone call to universal source energy. Vince has learned to allow this high vibrational energy to come through him in a very clear way so the messages aren't distorted. You have an opportunity to talk with and ask questions of the masters, angels and higher self in the exact way you would have a conversation with a mentor or friend.

How can a channeling transform your divine path?

You get very direct and useful guidance in these extremely clear channelings. Each person's higher self is part of the channeled energies, so you are receiving guidance and help exactly where you need it. If if you don't know you need it. By attending channelings regularly they can help us exactly when we need help. Imagine a guide that gives the right answers at the right time and at a level that continues to give you direction as you expand. Speaking with your guides will create a shift in every aspect of your life and increase your level of awareness.

Can channeling really make a difference in your life?

If you listen and pay attention to the information that resonates with you in the now, and allow it to be ok if some doesn't resonate, you will find that you will see an immediate change. But  you will also see change later as your vibration rises to the higher vibrating messages in the channelings. The messages you receive are meant for you and even if your don't resonate with them immediately you will find you hear a deeper message if you go back and listen to the recordings. The Round Table wants nothing more than to see a positive change for the world and humanity. When you join The Round Table, you'll be a part of the positive change quicker and more succinctly .

Watch these video testimonials from members who have experienced the power of The Round Table's Channeling:

Wendy Vaughan

Sales Mastery Coach and Owner of Predictable Sales Results

George Morrison

Marketing Wizard and Owner of IV Web Design

Join the ImagineNation and Live Life ON Purpose!

It's time for you to invest in yourself and to transform your life into one full of meaning and excitement.

I'm Ready to Join!

Choose Your Level of Membership HERE!


  • Monthly Live Current Event Channelings with Q&A
  • Miracle Minutes
  • Your Unique Purpose Formula
  • Miracle Life Blueprint
  • Channeling Transcripts
  • Free Chapter from a Bestseller
  • The Miracle U Podcasts
  • Bonus Content
$25 a month - Buy Now

Buy a year membership and save over 15%

$250 a Year – Buy Now


  • Monthly Live Vibration Channelings with Personal or Business Spotlights
  • Monthly Live Current Event Channelings with Q&A
  • Masterclass based on Best-selling Book
  • Passion and Purpose Webinar based on 21-Day Guided Meditation
  • Attend One Live Event for only $200
  • Up to 50% Off Select Products or Services
  • Vibration and Essential Oils Information
  • Miracle Minutes
  • Your Unique Purpose Formula
  • Miracle Life Blueprint
  • Channeling Transcripts
  • Free Chapter from a Bestseller
  • The Miracle U Podcasts
  • Bonus Content
$250 a month - Buy Now

FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!  SAVE 40% on year membership.

$1800 a Year – Buy Now